Friday, April 24, 2009


So FINALLY I am able to log into the blog! so I think we all need to post more things often, I love hearing about what is going on in everybody's life. For those who don't have facebook ( I am pretty sure we all do because it is so addicting) I am pregnant again! The crazy thing is that the due date so far is Dec.25th......I sure hope it's before or after Christmas but we will see. We are so excited and it's too bad that it takes 9 mo to see our new baby, I wonder if this time he/she will have blond hair like my husband.....although I think my genes are a little more dominant haha. So I am 5 weeks pregnant so far and I feel great, unlike my first pregnancy, I was always sick and so tired.
We are moving to Utah at the end of July, we are not sure if it will be in SLC or more like the Orem/Lindon area. So that's pretty much my recent update, I hope you are all doing great, lots of hugs for everybody!!!

-Jessica Villar Hinkson-

Sunday, April 19, 2009

We're Up and Running...Sorry

I wanted to apologize to everyone...there were some issues with this blog but we are back up and running so everyone post!!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Why I Miss Team...

This is Maranda:). I was looking this past week through a bunch of pictures of team and I realized how truly wonderful it was. I almost feel as if the time spent through our high school ballroom team I took for granted.

These are a few things that I miss about team:
-Dancing all the time so I could eat whatever I wanted and not gain weight:)
-No matter where you were or who you were with you knew you were with family through the people you knew from team.
-The practices where Paul Winkelman called all us girls "Rapunzel".
-Having "stoning" parties
-Getting pumped up and screaming "For Coach" before we danced Elvis at Nationals.
-The drive to California
-DISNEYLAND...need I say more.
-Watching the "girls" and "guys" videos on the bus. Ya we're hilarious!
-Seeing how happy Coach was when we danced perfectly.
-and SO much more!

What a blessing for all of us who had the wonderful opportunity to be on the best ballroom team on the world!